Saturday 12 September 2015

Proposed High speed Railway network in Andhra Pradesh Capital

Proposed High speed Railway network in Andhra Pradesh Capital

RuPay Card can be used for online transactions.

RuPay Card can be used for online transactions.
RuPay Card can be used for online transactions. It is an Indian card, which is aiming to grow like VISA and Master card.

from Eenadu

Summer Special trains for A.P. South central railway

Summer Special trains for A.P. South central railway

Vizag Smart City

Vizag Smart City

Amaravathi will be most beautiful City in Future

Amaravathi will be most beautiful City in Future with the passage of River "Krishna" through heart of the City.

See the map below from Eenadu news\

Bheemavaram as Town of Export Excellence

Bheemavaram as Town of Export Excellence

Vijayawada Airport will become international soon

Vijayawada Airport will become international soon

Proposed zones in Andhra Pradesh Capital Amaravathi

Proposed zones in Andhra Pradesh Capital Amaravathi

ap new venchers 1000crores

AP Development is in race of CBN plan big project

Great CBN Dev

Ap CM on Sri City Connectivity

Ap CM on Sri City Connectivity

"Amaravathi" name finalisation - Different stages for approval from Indian government

Andhra Pradesh Industrial Policy Highlights

Andhra Pradesh Industrial Policy Highlights, published on 1st April, 2015 on "Andhrapradesh Government" page.

Industrial Policy Highlights:
Policy Objectives
• To ensure Sustainable & Inclusive Growth
• To be among the top 3 states in terms of Industrial Investments by 2022
• To be the most preferred logistics hub and India’s gateway to East and South East Asia by 2029
• To enhance the quantum and quality of skilled manpower and create significant employment opportunities
Key Policy Targets
Increase contribution of:
• Manufacturing to GSDP from 9.95 (2013-14) to 15%
• Industries to GSDP from 20.7% (2013-14) to 25%
• Visionary Leadership
• 24x7 power supply
• Conducive Business Environment
• Industrial Land Bank
• Fiscal Incentives
• Progressive Labor Policies and Skill Development
• Robust Infrastructure
• Effective Law and Order
Thrust Areas
• Agro & Food Processing
• Life sciences (including pharmaceutical, biotechnology & medical equipment)
• Textile & Apparel
• Electronics & IT
• Aerospace & Defence
• Automobiles & Auto Components
• Petroleum, Chemicals, (including Fertilizers) and Petrochemicals
• Energy
• Mineral based industry
• Leather
Key Initiatives
• Government Land Bank
• Inventorization of public /pooled / acquired lands
• Land Information System to be set up
• Land Pooling / Acquisition & Allotment
• Land Consolidation to be done by Industries & Commerce Department
• Land shall be allotted on 99 years lease. SIPB may consider outright sale of land in specific cases mentioned in the Industrial development policy
Ease of Doing Business
• Single Desk Clearance within 21 working days
• Spot Approvals for identified approvals & clearances
• Exemptions from seeking approvals for investments in certain category of Industries
• Assignment of Inspection to Private Technical Experts
• Deemed approvals based on self-certification
• State Investment Promotion Board (SIPB) and Empowered Committee of Secretaries for expediting decision making
• Parallel Processing of clearances: Based on a review of applicable laws & regulations governing approvals & clearances, all intra-approval dependencies have been dispensed with and parallel processing of all clearances has been introduced to expedite closure of application process
Skill Development
• APSSDC will provide funding to build scalable, for-profit vocational training initiatives. It will also enable support systems such as quality assurance, information systems and train the trainer academies either directly or through partnerships
• Sector Specific & Market Driven Curriculum
• Manpower Information System (MIS) to be developed
International Desks
Assistance to Foreign Investors by setting up select country specific desk:
• Provide bespoke investor facilitation
• Handholding services in form of local information & expertise
• Comprehensive portal with business opportunity related information
Incubation Center
• Setting up of world-class Incubation Centres to promote startups and cultivateinnovative ideas
• Incubation Centres in Smart Industrial Township, premier educational institutes, Mega Industrial Parks and start up villages
• An Incubation Centre to be setup in IIM Visakhapatnam on PPP basis
Planned industrial development
• Setting up Industrial Area Development Authorities
• Proposed Industrial Corridors (VCIC/CBIC/PCPIR)
• National Investment & manufacturing Zones (NIMZ) at Chittoor and Prakasam
• Information Technology Investment Regions (ITIR) at Visakhapatnam and Chittoor
• Smart Industrial Townships with local self-government status to be set up
• Incentives to be given to SEZs
• New Industrial Parks shall be set up
Financial Incentives
• GoAP will provide fixed power cost reimbursement @ ₹1 per unit for 5 years from the date of commencement of commercial production (For certain specific sectors this may be higher)
• 100% reimbursement of stamp duty and transfer duty paid by the industry on purchase or lease of land meant for industrial use
• 100% reimbursement of stamp duty for lease of land/shed/buildings, mortgages and hypothecations
• VAT / SGST reimbursement incentives for a period of 5 years from the date of Commencement of Commercial Production: For Micro: 100%, Small: 100% ; Medium: 75% (for 7 years from CoCP) & Larger :50% (for 7 years from CoCP) enterprises
• Companies engaged in recycling waste into environment friendly products/energy will be brought under zero rated category schedule of the VAT Act
• GoAP will provide upto 35% subsidy on specific cleaner production measures limited to USD 56000 for MSME and upto 10% subsidy on specific cleaner production measures limited to USD 56000 for large enterprises
• 25% subsidy of total fixed capital investment of the project for specific green measures with a ceiling of USD 8.02 million
• Special Package for SC/ST and Women Entrepreneurs (reimbursement of stamp duty, rebate in land cost, land conversion charges, Fixed power cost reimbursement, seed capital assistance, investment subsidy, reimbursement of cost involved in skill up gradation, subsidy on specific cleaner production measures)
Textile Policy 2015-20
Advantage Andhra Pradesh
• A.P is one of the leading producer of cotton in the country
• Well-developed spinning & processing sector 
• Strong skill base - legacy of handlooms & handicrafts
• Robust infrastructure & long coastline facilitating exports
Major textile parks/clusters
• Brandix India Apparel City (BIAC) - a unique, integrated apparel supply chain city spread over 1000 acres in the Port City of Visakhapatnam
• Visakhapatnam-Chennai Industrial Corridor (VCIC) and Chennai-Bengaluru Industrial Corridor (CBIC) will foster new economic centres
Key policy targets: 2020
• Attract new investments worth - USD 956 million
• 3,00,000 New Jobs
Key initiatives/ thrust areas
• Government to provide land for establishing Textile & Apparel parks (as per the Industrial Development Policy)
• Assistance to apparel training institutions & trainees
• Focus on textile based industries such as ginning & pressing, cotton spinning, weaving, dyeing & processing, knitting, garment/made-ups, machine carpeting, machine embroidery and any other activities/ process like crimping, texturizing, twisting, winding, sizing etc. within the textile value chain
Fiscal Incentives
• Interest Subsidy provided to reduce effective rate of interest to zero after considering central schemes and 12.5% maximum rate of interest 
• Refund of VAT available on raw material and intermediate goods purchased. VAT reimbursement to the extent of 100% of the eligible fixed capital investments in plant and machinery
• Power Tariff subsidy at ₹1 per unit for Spinning and Ginning and at ₹1.50 per unit for other categories 
• 100% reimbursement of stamp duty on lease of land for setting up Textile and Apparel Parks
• Up to 50% financial assistance for setting up common infrastructure, with maximum limit of USD 2.39 million (USD 4.79 million for composite/integrated park) 
• Up to 50% financial assistance for investment in technology limited to upto USD 40,000 per process/product
• Capital subsidy ranging from 20% of fixed assets to 10% of project cost linked to investments which translates into an amount between USD 0.48 million to USD 1.6 millionfor standalone garmenting and apparel units limited to ₹10 crores
• Support in setting up common effluent treatment plant limited to USD 1.6 million (50% of project cost)
• Fiscal incentives to trainees, trainers & training institutions for apparel and power loom sector
Biotechnology Policy 2015-20
Advantage Andhra Pradesh
• 120 Polytechnics, 225 Engineering colleges and 35 Pharmacy institutes to provide skilled manpower to fuel sector growth
• Robust infrastructure in terms of connectivity and reliable power
Major Manufacturing Clusters
Mega Life Sciences Park to be developed at Visakhapatnam:
• 200 acres of land
• PPP model
• Plug & play lab space
• Incubation center
• Skill development and training center
• Financial assistance for critical external infrastructure
Key policy targets: 2020
• Attract New Investment worth - USD 1 billion
• 5,000 New Jobs
Key initiatives/ thrust areas
• 3 mini Life Sciences Park to be set up within the next 3 years
• Life Sciences Knowledge Centers to be established across the State on PPP model
• Agri- Biotech committee to expedite R&D proposals 
• Andhra Pradesh Biotechnology Committee (APBC) under Chief Secretary would be set up for:
- Mega project proposal evaluation
- Advisory services in biodiversity/ genetic engineering space
- International promotion of Biotechnology Industry
Fiscal incentives
• Fixed power cost reimbursement of ₹1.50 per unit for 5 years from date of commercial production 
• Technology acquisition fund of USD 1.6 Million to be set up. Additional interest subsidy @ 3% per annum on term loans towards purchase of capital equipment necessary for technology upgradation for a period of 5 years, subject to maximum of USD 4800 per year to MSME units
• Financial Assistance towards expenses incurred for patent registration limited to 75% of the cost, subject to maximum of USD 40,000
• Promotion of innovation and applied R&D in research and academic institutions to be done by co-financing industry sponsored research, collaborative research grant and scholarships
Automobile and Auto-Components Policy 2015-20
Advantage Andhra Pradesh
• Excellent port logistics 
• Development of Industrial Corridors (VCIC/CBIC) 
• Andhra Pradesh is in the process of consolidating an Industrial Land Bank of 1 million acres
• Reliable infrastructure
Major textile parks/clusters
• Multiple world-class Automotive Suppliers’ Manufacturing Centers (ASMC) on a PPP basis. These centers are industrial parks dedicated to auto component manufacturers 
• 2 major Auto Clusters (apart from the ASMCs mentioned above) in districts of Nellore and Chittoor
Key Initiatives / Thrust areas
• Automobile Industry declared to be ‘Public Utility’ under the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947
• Quality Testing / R&D laboratories to be set up in collaboration with leading global institutions
• Land to dependent ancillary units at the same rate as to OEMs
• 24 X 7 reliable power
Key policy targets: 2020
• Attract new investments worth - USD 3.18 billion
• 2,00,000 New Jobs
Fiscal Incentives
• Capital Subsidy for Auto Clusters and ASMC developers – 50% of fixed capital investment in building & common infrastructure (Maximum of USD3.2 Million)
• 75% reimbursement of the Patent Cost, subject to a maximum of USD 40,000 and 50% of all charges, subject to a maximum of USD 8000 for obtaining patent registration
• 50% reimbursement of cost of participation in international fairs, up to a maximum of USD 8000
• For Mega Integrated Automobile Projects (USD240 Million which bring ancillary units of a minimum of USD 80 Million investment in 3 years)
• 100% CST reimbursement for 10 years or GST regime whichever is earlier
• Gross VAT reimbursement on sale of finished goods for 20 years or 150% of capex spent in first 7 years, whichever is earlier
• Concessional VAT rates on input & capital goods @ 5% for 20 years and reimbursement of state VAT of input credit for a period of 20 year
• No entry Tax and Octroi Duties on any item procured and reimbursement of stamp duty, 
transfer duty on lands meant for industrial use
• 75% reimbursement of Gross VAT/SGST for 10 years from the date of commercial production or 100% of capex spent in first 7 years, whichever is earlier for dependent ancillary units of mega integrated projects. Input Tax of these ancillaries shall be equated to the input tax of the mother plant
Andhra Pradesh Single Desk Policy
Policy Aim
• To create a conducive ecosystem to provide all clearances required to set upindustry within 21 days
• Policy: Review of applicable Acts, rules and policies of respective Competent Authorities with the objective of speedy clearances.
• Institutional: Strengthening capacity of respective Competent Authorities, District Industries Centers (DICs) etc. 
• Process Streamlining: Streamlining operations of respective Competent Authorities and Nodal Agencies and effective monitoring and tracking through IT-enabled system
Measures to simplify process & procedures
• Spot approvals
• Deemed approvals based on self-certification
• Assignment of inspection to private technical experts
• Parallel processing of clearances
• Streamlined processes
Electronics Policy 2014-20
Advantage Andhra Pradesh
• Visionary leadership of pro-technology Chief Minister
• Proximity to coastline to facilitate trade Separate Point 
• 200,000 engineering graduates each year to fuel growth of sector
Major Manufacturing Clusters
• Visakhapatnam to be established as major electronics hub with development of Information Technology Investment Region (IITR)
• Electronics Hardware Park to be set up at Kakinada (East Godavari) 
• Development of 20 Electronic Manufacturing Clusters (EMCs) across State enhanced logistic support through Visakhapatnam-Chennai Industrial Corridor
Key policy targets: 2020
• Attracting New Investments -USD 5 billion
• 4, 00,000New Jobs
Key initiatives/ thrust areas
• Centre of Excellence for Fabless Semiconductors
• Promotion of “Electronics AP” by Road Shows, Annual Mega Electronics Event
• “Electronics Bazaars” would be set up to facilitate G2B/ B2B/ B2G/B2C interactions
• “Empowered Mission for Electronics & IT Promotion” to give fillip to the development of the sector and take faster and agile decisions 
• Special focus on the thrust areas such as Mobile, LED, Smart Meters, FPD TVs, Tablets, Base Stations, Smartcards, Sensors, IOT, Fabless Semiconductors
Fiscal incentives
• Special dispensation for Mega projects with investments more than 2.5 Billion INR or providing employment to more than 2000 people
• 100% reimbursement of Stamp Duty, Transfer Duty and Registration Fee paid on sale / lease deeds on first transaction and 50% thereof on second transaction
• 100 % exemption on electricity duty for a period of 5 years after commencement of commercial operations

Amaravathi City is capital of Andhra Pradesh

Amaravathi Next Capital of AP

State Cabinet passes resolution declaring Andhra Pradesh's capital city name as "Amaravathi" on 1st April, 2015